Our Services

We enable Clients To Grow, Innovate and Create Value

Risk Management

Our Team provides specialised risk management services. This involves carrying out a complete analysis of the risks and exposures and considering the various ways to treat those risks thereby optimising both - cover and costs, depending on the client's needs.


We seek the most competitive rates in the market. We ensure that insurer provide the most extensive coverage available, incorporating all necessary additional clauses to ensure no gaps in the cover. Policy documents are scrutinized to ensure client is properly covered.

Claims Handling

We advise on the documentation required and procedures and upon fulfillment of the requirements a settlement cheque is sought for delivery within seven working days from the date when the discharge voucher is signed. A detailed write-up on this important component of our service is incorporated elsewhere in our policy booklets.


We value our clients such that we make sure that our clients are provided with cover that they need. Our focus is customer-centric. Making sure that our client is happy with our service.

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